2. 1. Understand the communication(basics.)(chapter 1)
1.1 Define Electronic Communication.
1.2 Mention the basic elements of a communication system.
1.3 Describe communication system with a simple block diagram.
1.4 State the terms: Frequency,Wavelength,Spectrum, Bandwidth, Throughput,Propagation speed,
Propagation time, Noise figure & SNR
1.5 Mention the difference between bandwidth and data rate.
1.6 Describe simplex, half-duplex and full duplex modes of communication.
1.7 Describe synchronous and asynchronous communication techniques.
1.1 Define Electronic Communication.
Electronic communications are defined in the ECPA as data communications carried over both wire and wireless systems. Electronic communications differ from wire communications in that they are communications that are not transmitted by sound waves and cannot be characterized as containing a human voice.