AC MACHINES-1 (66761) Theory
9. Understand the principle of parallel operation of transformer.
9.3. Illustrate the test to determine the polarity of a transformer
- Connect the circuit as shown above with a voltmeter (Va) across primary winding and another voltmeter (Vb) across the secondary winding.
- If available, take down the ratings of the transformer and the turn ratio.
- We connect a voltmeter (Vc) between primary and secondary windings.
- We apply some voltage to the primary side.
- By checking the value in the voltmeter (Vc), we can find whether it is additive or subtractive polarity.
If additive polarity – Vc should be showing the sum of Va and Vb.
If subtractive polarity – Vc should be showing the difference between Va and Vb.
Caution: Be careful that the max. measuring the voltage of voltmeter Vc should be greater than the sum of Va (Primary winding) and Vb (Secondary winding) otherwise during the additive polarity, the sum of Va and Vb comes across it.