AC MACHINES-1 (66761) Theory
4. Understand equivalent circuit of transformer, magnetic leakage and leakage reactance of transformer.
4.4. Calculate the equivalent resistance of a transformer referred to secondary.
Equivalent.pptxEquivalent Circuit
when all the quantities are referred to Secondary side
The equivalent circuit diagram of the transformer is shown below when all the quantities are referred to the secondary side.
The following are the values of resistance and reactance given below
Primary resistance referred to the secondary side is given as
The equivalent resistance referred to the secondary side is given as
Primary reactance referred to the secondary side is given as
The equivalent reactance referred to the secondary side is given as
No-load current I0 is hardly 3 to 5% of full load rated current, the parallel branch consisting of resistance R0 and reactance X0 can be omitted without introducing any appreciable error in the behavior of the transformer under the loaded condition.
Further simplification of the equivalent circuit of the transformer can be done by neglecting the parallel branch consisting of R0 and X0.
The simplified circuit diagram of the transformer is shown below:
This is all about the equivalent circuit of the Transformer.