
Course: Mathematics-2
Book: Mathematics-2
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Date: Thursday, 19 September 2024, 5:39 PM


Apply determinants to solve simultaneous equations

1. Sallabus




1.  Apply determinants to solve simultaneous equations.

1.1 Expand a third order determinant.
1.2 Define minor and co-factors.
1.3 State the properties of determinants.
1.4 Solve the problems of determinants.
1.5 Apply Cramer’s rule to solve the linear equation

3. Apply the concept of matrix.

2.1 Define matrix, null matrix, unit matrix, square matrix. column matrix, row matrix, inverse matrix,
transpose matrix, adjoin matrix, rank of a matrix, singular matrix.
2.2 Explain equality, addition and multiplication of matrix.
2.3 Find the rank of a matrix.
2.4 solve the problems of the following types:
i) Solve the given set of linear equations with the help of matrix.
ii) Find the transpose and adjoin matrix of a given matrix

4. Understand exponential series.

5. Apply the concept of inverse circular function

4.1 Explain the term inverse circular function and principal value of a trigonometrical ratio.
4.2 Deduce mathematically the fundamental relations of different circular functions.
4.3 Convert a given inverse circular function in terms of other functions.

6. Apply the principle of properties of triangles.