10. Realize the principle and construction of 3-phase induction motor.

10.7. Explain the purpose of skewing the rotor bars in a squirrel cage rotor.

Why squirrel cage rotor is skewed?
In Squirrel cage rotor, slots in lamination or rotor core is not made parallel to the rotor shaft. A slight angle is maintained due to some advantages. This is called the rotor SkewSkew helps to make the motor run quietly by reducing the magnetic hum.It reduce rotor locking tendency.

In Squirrel cage rotor, slots in lamination or rotor core is not made parallel to the rotor shaft. A slight angle is maintained due to some advantages. This is called the rotor Skew.

Skew helps to make the motor run quietly by reducing the magnetic hum.It reduce rotor locking tendency. Rotor locking tendency occurs when rotor teeth remain directly under stator teeth thus they might be magnetically attracted.squirrel-cage-rotor-skew