9. Understand IP addressing. (chapter 9)

9.1 Define Network Addressing. 

9.2 Define IP and IPv4  

9.3 Describe the IP address formats of class A,B,C,D &E with example. 

9.4 Describe subnet and subnet masks. 

9.5 State CIDR format of subnet. 

9.6 Define IPv6. 

9.7 Describe the address format of IPv6. 

9.1 Define Network Addressing. 

network address is an identifier for a node or host on a telecommunications network. Network addresses are designed to be unique identifiers across the network, although some networks allow for localprivate addresses, or locally administered addresses that may not be unique.

9.2 Define IP and IPv4  

IP Address

•An IP address is the unique numerical address of a device in a computer network that uses Internet Protocol for communication.
•The IP address allow you to pinpoint a particular device from the billions of devices on the Internet.
•An IP address consists of four numbers; each can contain one to three digits. These numbers are separated with a single dot (.). These four numbers can range from 0 to 255.

IPV4   address

The IPv4 address is a 32-bit number that uniquely identifies a network interface on a machine. An IPv4 address is typically written in decimal digits, formatted as four 8-bit fields that are separated by periods. Each 8-bit field represents a byte of the IPv4 address. This form of representing the bytes of an IPv4 address is often referred to as the dotted-decimal format.

The bytes of the IPv4 address are further classified into two parts: the network part and the host part. The following figure shows the component parts of a typical IPv4 address,

Figure 5–3 Parts of an IPv4 Address

Diagram shows that 129.144 is the network part and 50.56 is the host part of an IPv4 address.

Network Part

The network part specifies the unique number that is assigned to your network. The network part also identifies the class of network that is assigned. In Figure 5–3, the network part occupies two bytes of the IPv4 address.

Host Part

This is the part of the IPv4 address that you assign to each host. The host part uniquely identifies this machine on your network. Note that for each host on your network, the network part of the address is the same, but the host part must be different.

9.3 Describe the IP address formats of class A,B,C,D &E with example. 

•The different classes of the IPv4 address are the following:
•1) Class A address
•2) Class B address
•3) Class C address
•4) Class D address
•5) Class E address

Class A address

The first bit of the first octet is always set to zero. So that the first octet ranges from 1 – 127. The class A address only include IP starting from 1.x.x.x to 126.x.x.x. The IP range 127.x.x.x is reserved for loop back IP addresses. The default subnet mask for class A IP address is This means it can have 126 networks (27-2) and 16777214 hosts (224-2).

Class A IP address format is thus: 0NNNNNNN.HHHHHHHH.HHHHHHHH.HHHHHHHH.

•Class B Address

Here the first two bits in the first two bits is set to zero. Class B IP Addresses range from 128.0.x.x to 191.255.x.x. The default subnet mask for Class B is 255.255.x.x. Class B has 16384 (214) Network addresses and 65534 (216-2) Host addresses. Class B IP address format is: 10NNNNNN.NNNNNNNN.HHHHHHHH.HHHHHHHH

Class C Address

The first octet of this class has its first 3 bits set to 110. Class C IP addresses range from 192.0.0.x to 223.255.255.x. The default subnet mask for Class C is 255.255.255.x. Class C gives 2097152 (221) Network addresses and 254 (28-2) Host addresses. Class C IP address format is: 110NNNNN.NNNNNNNN.NNNNNNNN.HHHHHHHH

•Class D Address

The first four bits of the first octet in class D IP address are set to 1110. Class D has IP address rage from to Class D is reserved for Multicasting. In multicasting data is not intended for a particular host, but multiple ones. That is why there is no need to extract host address from the class D IP addresses. The Class D does not have any subnet mask.

•Class E Address

The class E IP addresses are reserved for experimental purpose only for R&D or study. IP addresses in the class E ranges from to This class too is not equipped with any subnet mask.

9.4 Describe subnet and subnet masks. 


A subnetwork or subnet is a logical subdivision of an IP network. The practice of dividing a network into two or more networks is called subnetting. Computers that belong to a subnet are addressed with an identical most-significant bit-group in their IP addresses.


An IP address has two components, the network address and the host address. A subnet mask separates the IP address into the network and host addresses (<network><host>).